Thursday, December 26, 2024

Christmas 2025

Christmas we didn't get up early and I didn't even have to put out the gifts in the middle of the night like years past.  It is kindof nice yet sad to not have that part anymore.  I looked for the Christmas stockings and I couldn't find them.  We only have 3 bins of Christmas stuff (and I would reduce it to less than one or none if I thought it was a good idea) and they weren't in there.  Maybe we have 4 and I don't know where the other one is.  So I had to makeshift the sockings.  Everyone had a row and it was their stocking.  I was going to find everyone their favorite drink and decided to get a 12 pack for each one since it was about as cheap.  Jack's was open because he found the Diet Coke in the garage and helped himself early.  I am not going to look very hard for them because I decided this year, the stocking tradition is being retired.  It is too much work and stress and no one really will miss it.  

There's the spread.  It is less gifts as we get older.  We didn't even bother to decorate the tree.  Andrew got it out a few days ago.  

Good gifts and time was had by all.  Vuori was what Jack and Nick got as Brody works there and helped me out.  Abi got some gift cards for a facial and pedicure.  (she is probably moving and doesn't want to move more HUD)  Brooke also got a Facial gift card AND Brooke gave me one too.  We will be looking so fresh.  

Andrew gave me a new Driver for Golf.  I hope it helps my game.  :)  

Abi and Brody gave me a garbage can (you can see it in the pictrue below in the box).  They hate my garbage can so I'm excited for another one.  

Sharing the chair with the Ton. He hates me but sat there because he likes that chair to look out when he is left at my house with me alone.  Waiting for Brooke to come back. 

AND the highlight is the Chinese food.  Long time ago we decided to order Chinese food on Christmas since most Chinese restaurants are open.  I don't want to cook a turkey or ham or a casserole because no one will eat that anyway.  It is a great tradition.  Andrew calls it in, and he even paid.  Love that.  And he went and picked it up with a few of the clan and I got to stay home.  

Most of them get the General Tao's chicken.  I like the Noodle thing.  Brooke had to go back to Carla's after dinner.  Some went to the Sim for golf.  I think I stayed home.  I was tired.

Christmas is a fun holiday but filled with stress and anxiousness.  However, this year was good.  Love spending time with my family who I love the mostest of everyone on Earth is my favorite and best part.  

I also saw this online and had to send it to Abi since all we talk about is Science.  And fun fact, Abi did a book report about Marie Curie and dressed up as a Scientist.  


Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Gift, Cruise, Joshua Creek,

I received this box in the mail.  It cost 11.00 to mail to me.  Look at all this tape.  It was from my cousin Susan.  Usually she is a good gift giver.  

This is what was in it.  Weird. I texted her thanks for the gift.  She said it was a gift Stephen (her brother) sent to her, then a few years later she sent it to him.  They exchanged it and now she is sending it to me.  Not sure what I am suppose to do with it.  She said I needed at least one Christmas decoration on display.  I put it back in the box. Not sure the next step.

Jack, Brooke, Ty, Andrew, and Lily went on the Christmas Cruise with Michelle's family.  I didn't get a ticket soon enough.  We have been on the Christmas Cruise in the past but Ty has never been on it.  Lily hasn't either.  It was Game changing for Ty at least.  Not sure what Lily thought.

Went to a Joshua Creek Concert.  They were great.  Loved them.

Decided in my minimizing, I would use up the old wrapping paper.  I inherited my Aunt June's box of wrapping paper and supplies when she died.  Fun fact, that is Susan's mother.  This is part of it.  This is paper that is folded in nice squares and has name tags.  Very convenient.  But the price tag was $2.79.  She has had it a long time. I have had the box for like 10 years.  Time to use it. 

Jack has been back from school.  Here's Jack and Nick at the Sacrament table.  Shouldn't have taken a picture but since I'm on the stand it was convenient.  


Christmas Eve 2025

 Christmas Eve we headed to Ogden city Park to walk around with the Christmas lights.  We did this last year because we could take the Ton.  It was fun and not too cold.  It is a crazy crowd though.  Similar to the Sing A Long crowd.  Not sure these people get out much,,,

Here are these crazy people that don't get out much either.  

Brooke, Ty and the Ton

Abi, Brody, Brooke and Ton

Then headed to In N Out.  We started this tradition years ago also because venturing out for Christmas Eve who wanted to cook also.  It is the ONLY Place open Christmas eve.  We stopped at the Layton location which is new one.  

Can't seem to get a good pic but eveyrone was there.  All my honeys were there which hasn't happened in a few long years.  No missionaries or people in school. Love having them all there!

Saturday, December 21, 2024

Tabernacle Choir Christmas Concert

 I was selected for the Tabernacle Choir Christmas concert this year.  Michelle decided to go with me.  BUT before that we needed to do our annual service at the food bank.

The only Food Bank volunteers this year were Michelle, Maureen and McCall for the first part and Jan and Marti got there later because they had a traffic jam.  We relabeled cans and then sorted food like we have done in the past.  I didn't even take any pictures of it but we did our service for the year.  Headed to Crown burger for Dinner THEN off to the concert.  

We changed our clothes in the car in the parking lot.  We arrived 1.5 hours before the concert started because we like to be there as soon as the door open.  Like to get that good parking spot.  Plus I love to people watch

Waiting for Michelle to get back from the bathroom.  We were assigned the balcony in the far section.   After a while we moved a section over because they were letting in the stand by people.  It was convenient that we moved during the prayer and it was dark.   The ushers didn't even see us.

That's how far up we were.  And how early we got there.  Not many in their seats.

We had a great time.  The concert is good as usual.  You can't even tell we are related.

Thanks for going with me.

Derm visit

Nick developed this huge thing on his cheek.  I thought it was a problem with his wisdom teeth like a hemotoma.  We asked Mark about it at the Christmas party.  He went to the Dentist the following day and got some X rays and determined it wasn't in the jawbone or any abcess teeth.  

Next stop, Dermatology

I got him an appt as soon as I could find one since it is the Christmas season and people don't like to work the week after Christmas.  Dr visits are few.

Michelle said she would take him because it was the last day before the Christmas Holiday at school and it is difficult to take that day off.  

Michelle picked him up and they were off.

The doc lanced it and drained it.  It was a Cyst that was super infected.  He said he didn't want to take out the cyst sac because it tends to scar more if it is infected.  So lance it and antibiotics and a prayer (that is from Dr. Pol) and hope all is good.  He was able to go to Work, but not until he stopped at Taco Bell with Michelle.  :)  

Friends and Family at the Vuori

 Brody is working at Vuori.  He was having an event at the store.  Friends and Family.  They had refreshments and you could only get in by invitation.  

It was a fun night and we shopped and shopped.  That bag nick has, we got because we spent so much money.  Not good.  :)  

And I got in the picture 

It was super crowded and Brody was super busy. He was a fantastic help when buying merchandise.           

Sing a Long 2024

 Time for the Sing a Long at the Delta Center.  

Some of the peeps there.  Me, Abi, Ty, Brooke, Jack and Michelle

We arrived at 5:30 and this is the arena about 6:00.  I wondered if it would fill up.  We love to get there early.  

The other peeps.  Ty, Abi, me, Andrew, Lily

Yeppers it filled up eventually

My view as Abi and Ty stood up most of the time

Looks like we spent most of the time taking pictures, but we sang and watched the Calvary Baptist Church Choir and John Schmid.  They were good but performed too long.  We wanted to sing.  

Food was a bit lame this year, J Dogs and Chik Fil A were the only options.  We usually get the food half price and had chicken baskets and popcorn and pretzels.  I think next year we will opt to get food after.  We did get a fre swig cookie.  

Great time was had by all.