Monday, April 30, 2018

6 months

Chili Willi has been gone for 6 months.  He drives me crazy!  Actually he did me a favor leaving because that has been the hard part about getting divorced. Telling him to leave and hearing his lip about 'Oh can't we work it out', 'Is it so terrible that I want to stay'?  'I've done everything you ask'..I can just hear it now!  NOPE you haven't. I have only asked you to be honest and  you can't even do that!

I have liked him being gone.  Except for the part that I had some plans to go out of town and there is no one to tend Nick and Jack.  So my family has to step in once again, when Chili should be tending his own kids.  And I have to do everything.  Everything is me.  It was mostly me before, but at least he was here for a pick up for the kids or just here so when I was not here, he was.  And I have to pay for everything.  He did some incidentals that the kids need and would go to the store sometimes and get their mechanical pencils or stuff like that.  He didn't have to do hair cuts or shoes because when he did their hair looked soo stupid.  Not sure how come it is hard to get a boys hair cut.  But he couldn't figure that out.  He made them get the dumbest shoes too.  Who does that? So they didn't want to go with him.  And I have to handle Jack alone.   All his fighting and insisting on playing video games and nothing else comes down to me. Other than all these things, I like him gone.

So filing should be easy.  I am emailing him the paperwork tomorrow.  I have to get a PDF copy to attach to the email. I have the email already written.  (I can't make PDF files at home so need the secretary at work to do that)  So, I'm ready.  Here's hoping he signs and it is a done deal!!

UPDATE:  I emailed the paperwork and a nice email to him.  Here's hoping he will sign it

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