Monday, May 13, 2024

21 months:) - Nick's email from Omaha

 What's up yall! First of all let me give a shout out to all the moms out there! Especially the G.O.A.T maureen Clemons! 

 This week was really slow work wise but it went by really fast! Wednesday we taught our guy Donatello homie is absolutely obsessed with Paul and half of what he was saying contradicted Jesus but he said he would read the book of mormon so that's hype 

 Other than that the only other cool thing that happened this week was that Alexandra came to church and she loved it! Hopefully we can set a date for her to be baptised soon! 

 The works kinda slow here but I'm still seeing miracles everyday. I hit 21 months last week and that's just so crazy! Time flies when your having fun I guess! 

 "the Father’s plan is not about roadblocks. It never was; it never will be. Are there things we need to do, commandments to keep, aspects of our natures to change? Yes. But with His grace, those are within our reach, not beyond our grasp." -Elder Kearon 

 Hope yall are doing well! Reach out if you want I'd love to talk to some of ya! Remember God loves ya! 

-elder Clemons 

Guess this is the companion.

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