Thursday, July 25, 2024

Bear Lake 2024

 Another year at the Bear Lake.  Such a great trip.  We spent all day at the beach and love every minute of it.  We had the same menu as last year.  We are so predictable.  

McCall and Liam.  Look at the beautiful color of the water

Ty and Brooke

Mitchell told me to take this pic

Those are Jack's new water shoes.  Gotta have them


Ty and Mitchell

My favorite Jimmy

I didn't take many pictures.  But super fun and can't want to go again.  

Fireworks and the Tab Choir

We got back from Bear Lake and it was the Bountiful Fireworks for the Pioneer day celebration.  They were on the 20 to celebrate the 24th of July.  So stupid and crazy.  Andrew and I went over to grandma's house to watch them in the front yard.  Usually we have a BBQ and the whole family comes.  But we just got back that day and people were tired.  

McCall and Kristen came also with their dog Cota.  Here's the pics I took.  I shouldn't have even bothered.  I'm getting worse at taking pictures lately because I wonder why we need a pic of everything we do.  

The next day, my friend Lynne asked me if I wanted to go to the Mo Tab broadcsst with her because it was the patriotic one.  Sure I did.  She is my last minute cultural function friend.

I don't think it was the patriotic one since they didn't sing anything patriotic.  But it was still great.  I ike the Mo Tab better than I use to.  I think it is an old people thing.  

This was our elevator we came out of and had trouble finding them when we left.  
Good thing I took a pic of it.

I was able to make it back to church in time and lead the singing.  

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Reels on my Phone

 Here are some reels on my phone.  Love the Garden City one because that means we were at Bear Lake where we just fun and sun.  Love them.

This is my Nick.  He comes home from his mission in about three weeks.  We have missed him soo much.  He is so funny and always was up to something.  

Can't wait to see him.

Brooke's Lawn Care

 Brooke has been mowing Grandma's lawn since Nick left on his mission.  Jack just doesn't have time...So Brooke does it and then goes to Costco and Lunch with Grandma.  I'm not sure Nick got that...:)  

Brooke has recently expanded her Yard Care Services.  She has mowed a lawn for a Property manager we know.  It has been soo hot when she mows.  I have to go and load up the mower in the Cadi. 

She even has her own Invoices for billing.

She fixed grandma's mower when she lost the gas cap.  

We had an issue where the lawn mower wouldn't stay running unless we tilted it back.  Must be out of Oil Marti said.  We ran to Croft and got some oil.  It is like laurel and hardy with the two of us trying to fix the lawn mower.  

We put the oil in and it worked better so we put more in.  We checked the dipstick.  It wasn't as easy as it sounds.  The lawn mower worked great until it started smoking.  The neighbors will probably call the fire department on these lawn care people.  Kept at it and it finally stopped smoking and now the lawn is super great.  We don't now how to weed whip so I trimmed the edges with a pair of scissors we borrowed from Grandma.   

If anyone else needs lawn care needs, just let us know.  We have more oil for the mower.  

Monday, July 8, 2024

23 months!!! - Nick's Periodic Email from Omaha

 Hey guys! Sorry it's been a while since my last email! We have some amazing miracles happen to us the last couple of weeks. 

Thursday we got invited to go shoot some fireworks off with some members and it was really fun! Super grateful to live in a country where we celebrate by blowing stuff up. 

Saturday our friend alexandra was able to get baptized on saturday and it was so awesome! Alexandra is probably the coolest person I've baptized on my mission. I got to baptize her and I just felt the sprit the whole service it was so cool. Before she was baptized she told us that she prayed that if God didn't want her to get baptized then he should just kill her on the way to the church luckily God did want her to get baptized and she did!! 

I hit 23 months and it's just sooo crazy to me that I've been doing this almost 2 years. I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. I love Jesus christ and my heavenly father! 
That was basically our week but feel free to reach out if you want!! Love yall!! 

-elder Clemons 

Sunday, July 7, 2024

The Nutty Professor

 Marti mows a lawn for  guy that works at Hale.  The guy gave Marti 12 tickets to see The Nutty Professor.  There were two extras so Michelle gave two to me.  I took Jack.  Well, Jack didn't go willingly but I think it is good to go to things that will be cultural or different.  You might end up liking it actually. Michelle's whole family came minus McCall.  I think I must have taken McCall's ticket.

We got there and got our snacks.  Jack wanted water and a snickers.  

It was a super cute set they had periodic table squares and molecules and a science lab as a set.  Loved that part.  

Jack wasn't having any pictures taken.  This is the best that I could get

After the show, we went to eat of course. 

Some of us wanted to go to Rumbis.  Trey and Jack weren't having Rumbis so they went to 5 guys and came over to Rumbis.  Mitchell and Britttany went to the Greek Place next door.  

Had a great day.  Most people didn't like the show.  The dancing and singing were fantastic.  It was like Grease but for a Chemistry teacher.  Glad Jack decided to go with me.