Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Less Wisdom for Nick

 Nick's wisdom teeth have been bothering him towards the end of his mission.  He didn't need them out before his mission but once he found out his companion had his teeth out, Nick's started to hurt.  :) 

Brooke took him to the dentist for his check after the mission.  I had to work.  Good thing Brooke is willing to take him.

Mark's reading the X rays 

Nick's getting the X rays

AND yeppers Nick needed his wisdom teeth out.  Made an appt with the Surgeon,

He was a bit nervous on the way in according to Brooke

Brooke Took Nick to get his teeth out.  I had to work.  I have had so much time off since school started I decided to send Brooke.  She is a better mom and dad than I am.  She picked him up on time, got him there, paid the bill and had him in the chair.  Mark was there in case something came up too.

I woke Nick up early so he could take his seizure medicine.  I wanted it in his system so if he threw up, it would already be digested.  

On the way out of the dentist, Brooke said Nick was singing "I Hope They Call Me on a Mission" when they were helping him into the car.  Then he said he didn't like the lady.  hmmmmm

They spent the day at grandma's house.  Nick sleeping and Brooke mowed the lawn.  She didn't get a compiment from Danny about her lawn mowing shirt this week because he mows early and she had to mow later. 

They did go to Starbucks and get a pink drink and Nick got his free because the guy felt bad for him.  

Nick is doing well so far.  He has had Ramen and lots of Maverik drinks.  

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