Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Davis golf and a Podiatry visit

 Golfed 18 at Davis today.  It was super hot and I almost died.  Davis is a great course.  I don't get to play it very often.  I played it because tomorrow I am having a procedure at the Podiatrist and will have to wear a boot for two weeks.

I have been having a bad time with Plantar Facitis.  It is where the bottom of your foot hurts ALL the time.  Like WAY bad.  It sounds like a made up thing but it hurts.  I have been doing stretches and wearing good shoes and all the things.  Dr. Seagle did a procedure called Needling and he poked holes in the fascia (tendonlike stuff on the bottom of my foot) and then hopes to body heals it and it feels better.  

I did get a pedicure before this procedure so I would look nice

Here's the boot I have to wear for two weeks.  I hate wearing a boot. It messes with your gait and it is difficult to get your leg out of the car.  Serious. That is aproblem cuz it doesn't fit very well.  

But it hurts and I'm willing to try.

Not sure what the next step is if this doesn't work.  I am trying to make sure I can walk when we go to Boston in about 6 weeks.  

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