Sunday, November 15, 2015

I got a raise!

Wow.  I haven't been able to title a post like that for a LONG LONG time.  I am excited because I actually noticed on my paycheck that I had more money than I did last year.  One reason is that I reach productivity.  That means instead of teaching 6/7 classes and having an hour off every day to lesson plan and grade, I teach 7/7 and don't have any time to grade or lesson plan.  i have to do all that at home.  So I have to prep another time.

It is super hard because you are soo tired at the end of the day.  I also am teaching 8th grade this year, which I totally hate.  I haven't taught 8th grade for over 10 years and I hated it back then.  AND I hate it now.  I don't know the curriculum at all.  I do it because it was the only way to have productivity this year.  I decided I was soo broke that I needed the extra money and I would teach 8th grade.  I am hating it right now because every day is a new lesson that I have no idea what to do....its hard.

However, I guess its better than going to Maverik and getting a second job for 8.00 an hour or whatever.  I already sell hot dogs at REAL soccer to make ends meet with Abi's soccer.

Anyway, I got a raise and I also got a raise for productivity.  I got a $2.00 an hour raise.  Thats a big difference for doing the same thing...I think they were making up for the last 6 years that we have not had a raise at all!
I can't wait until I don't have to teach productivity!  I'm getting old and its hard.

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