Monday, January 10, 2022

Christmas 2021

 After the trip to Temple Square and In N Out Burger, we headed home.   The stockings were filled.  Everyone got a Maverick gift card for 10.00 and tooth brushes and favorite chips.  Plus they got some other things like Reses  Peanut butter cups and Hersheys kisses.  We added two more people so I'm surprised that I had two more stockings.  I got these from Melanie and somehow had two more.  

Presents are wrapped and ready to go.  

Brooke and Ty joined us in their Christmas Pjs.  

Brooke got that green jacket from her dad

Jack got this Patriots Jersey he was excited about

Some made Gingerbread houses while I took a nap

Nick got some money hidden in a pringles can.  It was suppose to be an accordion style thing but didn't work so well but it was cool anyway

Brody said that the room he sleeps in gets light early so when I was at Black Bear Diner I saw these eye covers to keep the light out.  I need to get him one

I wanted to get these socks for Nick and Jack but BYU socks.  Abi was able to get them in St. George since all our Costcos were out.

Christmas was fun.  We got up, opened presents, then Andrew ordered Chinese food for all, and it was absolutely delicious.  He even paid.  Then I took a nap, and the rest of them watched a movie or made gingerbread houses.  Then they decided to go to see Spiderman at the movies.  I opted to not go to that either.  I'm kindof turning into an old grouch.  My kids probably would say kindof?

Abi and Brody came for the Holiday and then had to go home the following day.  One of them had to work.  It was fun to have them here.  

I got some Golf Clothes (for Death Valley trip), and an Apple Watch.  Andrew also got me some things for my stocking. I have never had a stocking in my entire life after leaving my parents home.  So that was so thoughtful and fun.  

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