Friday, January 14, 2022

We have it finally


Jack has been bugging me to get covid tested for a few days.  He is sick and is texting me a million times a day to get tested.  Then he sends me the symptoms of covid and he has like one of them.

So I made an appt, and we waited in line like 90 minutes to get tested. I waited in the car with him and his nervousness.  I was going crazy.  We facetimed Abi while we waited.  

Then about an hour later, we get this.

Nice that I was in the car with him facetiming Abi for the test.  I didn't think he was positive.  Well, sure enough he was.  Jack is banished to the basement.  We masked up and dropped his dinner off on the stairs and he came and got them.  Nick slept upstairs.  

THEN Nick decided he was sick and sleeping upstairs.  

So the  next day, Andrew and Maureen decided we needed to get tested mostly for Gma sake.  

We filled out our form and showed up at the Maverick center.  You didn't need an appt but fill out the form first.  Well, we couldn't find the entrance because they stopped testing that day.  So we drove to West Jordan and they were appt only.  

So, Thursday we tried again.  We got on line and 
The Maverick Center started taking appts.  We got an appt for 3:45 for 3 of us.  Nick decided to come with us.  We showed up again at about 3:30, and a policeman was there closing the entrance.  They ran out of tests.  So, we tried the Riverton Swimming pool. They took walk-ins at 4:00-7:00.  We waited in line there until 6:30 and they shut off the line for testing.  We stopped at Maverick for a bathroom and Nick declared that he felt better after the Maverick drink and wanted to go play basketball with the ward at 8:30.  He would wear a mask.  NOPE No way.  

Brooke and Ty came over to get some pkgs that she sent to our house and waited outside in their KN95 masks. Didn't come into the Covid infested household.  Wonton came in though.  

I feel fine and Andrew feels fine. I think Nick feels fine too, but just wanted a test so he could miss work if he was positive. I'm assuming he is positive based on Jack being positive.  But he sure had a quick recovery when it came to basketball.  (he didn't end up going)  

I am wearing a mask at school out of common decency.  Not sure we are going to bother testing again.  I do have an appt for Nick to test on Saturday.  

Ty gave jack this lego thing to put together.  He sent a snap chat to Ty showing that he put it together

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