Thursday, October 9, 2014

A new Referee

Abi and her friend Gaby have been taking the Referee Certification class.  It was three nights from 5:45 to 9:00 pm.  They had such a great time...haha.  They also had to complete these modules online before the class.  Which they did.  It also cost $20 for the class, and $60 to register to be a Soccer Ref.  They also have to get a shirt and shoes.  But now she is ready to be a middle soccer ref for the little kids, or an AR (which is what they call line refs) for the older kids.  If they can get a game.  I think she goes online and tries to schedule. We will wait and see.  Not sure how much more soccer she can ref this season, or if she will need to wait until the Spring.  She passed the test with an 86% and she needed to get at least 74%.  Yahoo.  I would think Refs need 100% so they know 100% of the rules.  Way to go Abi.

here she is in action

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