Monday, December 26, 2022

Week 20. Its really cold now. Also merry Christmas I guess...


what's up y'all. This week was supa hot fire. Now the weather was very not supa hot fire. Last week I complained about it starting to get cold but then god decided to humble me and make it even colder haha. Thursday it got all the way down to -12 and us being the very smart missionaries we are decided to drift to all our lessons. Thursday we were also inside most of the day because the roads were super icy. 

 Monday we did get to go to the temple which was super nice and spiritual. I also got to see both of my old comps that day. Then we all hung out as missionaries at the stake center and it was super fun. I'm very slowly starting to recognize all the little blessings in my everyday life. It was a huge blessing to attend the temple during the Christmas season and to hang out with a bunch of missionaries for a few hours. After p day ended we wanted to go and knock on this one apartment building where we know this lady lives but she wouldn't give us her address. So we went and decided to just knock on them all and we found marie. We had a super good lesson with Marie and she had all these amazing stories about how she has seen god more recently in her life. IT WAS A HYPE MIRACLE 

 Tuesday was zone conference and we had a combined zone conference with the omaha zone and sioux falls zone so there was a lot of missionaries. Every district in each zone had to come up with a skit and we made our skit like 5 mins before we were supposed to go on. So for our skit we just did a fake training to the whole mission on how to do a comp inventory which basically is just when you and your comp sit down and tell each other what you don't like about them. So me and my comp decided to do that but we made it funny by "fake wrestling". It got a little out of hand when I jumped off a table to body slam him but we were only injured slightly by the making of this skit. Tuesday was also awesome because i got to see my boy elder hansen and the AP's did me a huge favor and let them sleep over at our place. Now that was lit. 

 Wednesday The elders who live with us car broke so they tagged along with us for the day and we made them teach our member lesson which was kind of funny but it ended up being a good lesson. All i did during the lesson was play with the members' dogs!!!

thursday we were grounded basically all day until like 5 then we went drifting and then we went and taught our friend yuri. Yuri is half catholic and half lutheran which don't make sense at all but we taught about jose smith and she liked it i guess. 

Friday we went and taught brother woods and we talked about football for an hour and a half before we started teaching. He is my fav person to teach because he updates me on all the scores and headlines. After that we went and taught our friends angie and we had a really good lesson. She even gave us fruit snacks so you know the spirit was there haha. 

 Saturday we had a half p day so we basically just had to do missionary work until like 4. All we did was go to members houses and eat food until then. We did do some service for sister mejia though and helped her make some tamales. Then the rest of the day we played basketball and volleyball. My comp fixed my shooting form so now I can make like 1/7 threes instead of 0/7 threes. 

 Sunday we had a lit program with lots of singing. Then we went over to carlos house and had more tamales and then went to another members house and ate some smoked brisket and watched jonny lingo and then played basketball and card games. 

 Mission life is still going good. Hope yall had a good christmas. Just remember who you are and what you stand for. Jesus loves you!!!!


-elder clemons. 

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