Saturday, January 9, 2016

No wonder I am Fat

Its no wonder I am fat.  I am soo tired all the time.  I just want to go home and sleep after work. I think I am suffering from SAD, seasonal affective disorder that you get in the winter time.  The other problem that has sufaced is the arthritis.  My feet hurt...that is due to tendonitis Posterior something tendon is inflamed.  That is due to an extra bone in my foot.  I have done steroids and am suppose to wear a boot.  The boot is a bit hard to wear because when you drive you have to take it off...and i think well I am just running in for a few things....and the condition persists.

My knee hurts.  When I start to move, it hurts and it takes a minute to get moving.  I went to the movie last night and it hurt the entire time sitting there.  Then when I tried to stand up and walk down, it was soooo painful.  I am trying to get these shots that work in half of the people.....have to get it approved by my insurance....and i just changed insurance....pain.  So I go to the gym and do the elliptical or arc trainer.  I do think it helps when I exercise.  The movement part, but not the weight loss part.  I did feel soo much better on Christmas vacation I think because I wasn't going to work and standing on that hard floor...but I have to keep my job.  At least for another 10 years...I need to move because I have too many stairs.  Stairs are the worst part...I take Diflocenac for my pain arthitis, glucosamine chondriotin, Tumeric, Tylenol every day just to keep it down.  Not sure any of them help.

Plus I just want to come home at night and watch Netflicks and eat something yummy.  I deserve it...I need to go to the gym on some nights after school but my knees are killing me.  . . . vicious cycle.  Now that football and Christmas are over, maybe I can do that.  (I didn't go this week because the gym is soo crowded the weeks after Christmas.  It wasn't crowded during the holidays however)  This is a rampling post.  I also LOVE Cinnabun that they sell right down the street at Maverik.  YUMM

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