Monday, September 30, 2019

New Dryer, New Couches and new TV

The Clemons are spiffing up the place.  Lois is NO longer at the bottom of the list of importance.

I tried to dry some clothes the other day, and the dryer just wouldn't start.  Nope, nada nothing.  I tried the breaker and it was just fine.  I let it cool down and it still didn't work.  I couldn't decide about getting it fixed or getting a new one. It is a 13 year old dryer.  So it has had a good life. It was 70.00 to have a repair guy come out. I decided on a new dryer because when they delivered it, I knew it would work.   I went to RC Willey and picked out one in a few minutes.

I was most excited about getting new furniture for my upstairs. The old couches just kindof died a serious, fast death in the past 6 months.  I couldn't find what i wanted at RC Willey so I went to Ashley Furniture and they had what I want. It was where I got the old furniture that I was replacing. I needed something that could wipe clean since they are close in the kitchen.

This is the old space with no furniture

This is one of the couches we were replacing.  Embarrassing actually, but it just started doing that in summer.  I had to wait until I could stay home for delivery to get a new couch.

AND the new.  LOVE it.  I switched brown to gray.  They are like new tennis shoes.  When you test it out, you thought you should have bought them a year ago.  I got them delivered on the same day and It was one of the best days.  New Dryer and New furniture and a day off!

Jack helped me pick out a new rug for the kitchen.  It is Pink and shag so it will be soft.  

I also bought a new TV. Thanks to Nick hitting the old one with his fist because he was mad at the game.  I need to set that one up. But I kindof feel a bit uptown due to having so many new things.  It is a nice feeling for a change since I feel like I'm alway at the bottom and have only old junk in my house.  

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