Tuesday, July 21, 2020

A Sink that Leaks and now doesn't

I was washing the dishes and my feet kept getting wet.  I investigated and found out that this pull out hose was leaking.  I was pretty sure that was the only problem.  So, I decided I could fix just the hose.

I looked and looked and didn't find anything.  Advice from a relative is that usually things break and they don't allow replacement parts because they want to sell you a new faucett.

I went to home depot and found this kit that had a million adaptors for a new hose so they would fit your plumbing.  We worked a few hours trying to figure it out.  There were a few of us under the sink and it just wouldn't work.  It got heated.  
I took these pictures of under the sink but the pictures are not very great...

Finally I decided I was going to have to hire someone.  I looked at some Facebook posts about handymen in the neighborhood so I called one.  He said he had a faucett if I liked it and sent me a pic. I really liked it, and he could come the next am and install it.  

Here is the new faucett.  I LOVE it.  He installed it in an hour and cost 130.  I should have just gone with hiring someone to do it in the first place. 

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