Saturday, August 20, 2016

Eagle signed, sealed and delivered....

Andrew has been working on his Eagle Project.  He or we made Plaster of Paris shapes from cookie cutters and donated them to Primary Children's Hospital.  He also donated  paint and brushes.

They are for the patients to paint while they are staying at Primary Childrens Hospital with a lengthy illness.  We had hearts, circles, ninjas, shamrocks, stars, mickey mouse and others.
.(more on this later..)

Andrew got his project finished, and now he needs his paperwork turned into the Scout office, BEFORE his 18th Birthday.  He is about one month out to his 18th birthday.

He got the last merit badge signed off last Sunday.  His Family Life merit badge.  He was finished. got the paperwork signed, and then needed to meet with the Stake guy. (according to the Scout leader)  So he made an appt with Him.  Andrew went to the appt and the guy  thought it was for the proposal for the project.  He didn't even need to meet with him.  However, he did tell him we needed to turn in three things.  The Eagle Scout application, Eagle Scout project and a Life Statement.  Oh dang.  Well, the paperwork wasn't hard, except he had to list every merit badge and date of being a Life and a Star and when the Court of Honors were.  Well, we did the best we could.  We got a print out from the Scout office (thanks to the YM Secretary) and guess what?  Some of the Merit badges he has earned were not listed!  We did have blue cards for them.  Except camping...which he earned recently.  He ran over to the Scout Master and got it signed and then to the Bishopbric member and got his signatures.  Really, I should have been more on top of this and checked.  I didn't know you needed to...He got all this filled out on August 15.  We wanted to turn it in early, just in case there were some issues.  Plus I had to go to work on August 19.  His Birthday.  We worked on his Life Statement.  Not sure how to do it, but looked up some for examples and wrote that.  This process took way more time than I thought.

Turning it in...waiting for her to check the application over

Finally, Tuesday, August 16, up to the Scout office we went.   We made a copy and turned it in.  The lady looked at it and said he didn't have Lifesaving recorded....oh my.  He is two days to his 18th birthday.  We are out of time.  However, we had the blue card at home so we took a picture and emailed it to her.  He is finished.  Turned in.  Whew.  Job well done!

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