Saturday, June 1, 2019

The End 26 Times

School ended for the year.  It marks 26 years of teaching for me.  I can hardly believe that I have been teaching that long.  You just show up every day, and then next thing you know it is 26 years later.  It was a pretty good year when I look back.  I got to teach Biology which I love and it means that I got the better kids which was such a switch and a welcome change.  I had a bunch of Dr's kids and an Eyring kid that is a grandson to the Apostle.  We also had a new administration.  That was good and bad, but as I reflect it was mostly good.

This is me driving home after the last day.  I have on that new shirt that didn't fit a while ago.  Now it does.  That makes me smile too.  My hair looks terrible...

I got my very best teacher gift.  My favorite student, Sam Tyson, (a son of Dr. Tyson the orthopedic surgeon) was not in class.  I knew he was at school because I saw him in the am.  Then after about 10 minutes, he walks in with a 44 oz drink of Diet Coke from Maverik AND a 20.00 gift card.  Serious.  I couldn't believe it.  I said that was awfully nice of your mom to take you right now.  It even had the straw on the top unwrapped.

I sent a picture to Mark and he said 'oh your student got you a printer'  He is so dumb...

Thats why I love these kids.  Not because they bring me stuff but they are clever and funny.  He was the same one that said my heart was Abiotic and He didn't think Monk's were suppose to pollinate flowers when Gregor Mendel did that.  Hilarious.

I also had some girls make me a quote book of things that I say.  It was hilarious too.  The one girl, Tori was my TA for half of the year.   She was very good as a TA and super cute.  Jacie is cute too.  Love them. I didn't take pics of it but I will post some when I do.  I can't believe I said that many dumb things.

Here is Nick on his last day.  He is horrible at letting me take a pic.  He finished one day earlier than I did.

This last week, we had a student die.  He was in the 9th grade and I taught him in 7th grade.  He was in a biking accident.  He was jumping off a dock of a store and fell and hit his head.  His sister who is a junior found him.  I also taught her in 9th grade.  From talking to the school policeman, he said he thought his brain was on the outside of his head.

I got a call late the night it happened so we would all be to faculty meeting at 7:30.  We had the crisis team at our school which is about 20 counselors in the district that are just there to talk to or help kids when they feel like they need it.  They also gave us a statement to read to our first class.  I teach 7th graders so they didn't even know the kid.  I had to read this 3 paragraph thing about him passing away and if any of you need grief support it was available in the library.  I cried as I read it to the class.  I couldn't even read it.  It was so sad.  I have never cried at school before.  But I did it and we carried on with school.

Every time I went in the hallway there were kids out there sitting on the ground crying.  There were counselors just hanging around waiting to help.  I had students email me that they just couldn't come today and what did they miss.  I had one kid email me about his missing work because he was home. I told him to not worry about it because it was the frog packet and he did fine on his frog test.  His mom emailed me and said how nice that was to do that because he was having a really hard time because they were friends.

I can't remember a harder day to teach.  This was 3 days before school ended.  It was rough.  Emotionally watching all these kids process this death of their friend.  We were all doing the best that we could possibly do.

Joey Eyring told me that Riley was having a hard time today.  I asked him if I should be nicer and he said that would be good.  I was just trying to keep things normal and be my usual crusty self.  He is another of my favorites.  :)

The next day they all dressed up in honor of him  So not only did we have an emotional day the day before, now we had to look at all these 9th graders in their best dress.  Then the last day of school at the talent assembly his best friend dedicated his song to him and sang Country Road take Me home, by John Denver.  What a fabulous song and emotional too.

All of that ended in an emotionally exaustive week.  The last week of school is extra stressful due to grades, spring fever and getting out for the summer.  But add the death of our student and it was magnified a million times.

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