Monday, September 18, 2023

Makenzy got baptised!!! - Nick's Email fron Omaha

 Yo what's up guys. Hope you had a super good week. This week felt so long but it was worth it in the end! 

Monday: we did our usual p day stuff. Basketball and then lots of gator ball. My jump shot is so clean now. Watch out 👀

 Tuesday: we had zone conference and Elder Jimenez of the seventy did his mission tour and came and talked to us and dang it was so awesome. He was so funny and genuine. He told us a lot of great stuff on how we can better convert our friend to the gospel after us and the boys went and snagged some burgers which were so bomb 

 Wednesday: somehow all the service we had lineup just happened to fall on this day so we did 7 hours of service just on this day. It was wild but actually so much fun. I love serving my fellow man. We also helped someone on a farm and it was super cool to be a rancher for a few hours ahaha 

 Thursday: did some more service for a member but this time I got to go to the dump! After sadly we found put one of our friends who was preparing to be baptised got sent to the hospital so plz pray for Daniel he needs all the help he can get 

 Friday: we just really walked around and talked. Someone did call the cops on us because they said we were being too pushy but the cops came and they were so chill and just talked to us for like 15 mins about home and then left. 

 Saturday: we got up and had to head down to grand island to fill the font for makenzy's baptism. The baptism service was so fire and the spirit was there. After makenzy told us she had never been so happy in her life. AHHHH THE GOSPEL IS SO GREAT

 Sunday: we had church and we got to confirm makenzy. During the confirmation makenzy started crying and the spirit just filled the room entirely it was so great. Makenzy is a living testimony that God does prepare people for the missionaries to teach. It only took her 3 weeks from the time we first met her to her baptism. She read the entire book of mormon in that time as well 

 That was my week. Mainly the coolest thing was the baptism. Makenzy's baptism was so great and probably one of the best baptisms I've ever been apart of! Feel free to reach out. Remember God is good and so is canes! Love yall 


-elder Clemons 

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