Monday, March 4, 2024

Pink eye

 Jack wakes up with a red eye.  He goes to church, then someone mentions it to him and he decided we needed to go to the Dr.  We had to go on Sunday after church because we are both busy on Monday and don't have time.  Off to Instacare.  

$50.00 later for the visit we have a diagnosis of Pink Eye.  And a RX for eye drops.  

We filled at Target.  Problem with Target, while we waited, we picked up Jelly Beans, New Underwear (his friend Jenson has this cool underwear and it is some kind of Theives brand that we saw at Target) , and TWO new pair of shorts for LAX.  The $12.00 eye drops we needed turned into like 90.00!  That was some expensive pink eye.

Then he finds out that two other kids on the LAX team have the Pink Eye.  No wonder he has it.  Must be like Ringworm or cauliflower ear the wrestlers share.  That is way worse...

Saturday Jack asks me where his church shoes are.  Well, his church shoes have been his Vans or clogs.  I told him the Vans were in the living room.  He needed the real church shoes because he was going to the temple with Robert.  Robert is our backyard neighbor and the counselor in the Bishopbric.  He is Jack and Nick's BFF from church too.  He is the organizer for Ward Basketball and the Softball team they played on in the fall.  

Robert and Pierce (the other guy) took Jack to the temple to do baptisms.  Then they stopped and got food.  Robert sent me this pic.  So sporty of them.  Really they each have families of their own that they probably needed to attend to on a Saturday.

Then Jack met with the bishop for his Mission.  

Then I was going to buy a shaker bottle for my drink I like.  I found this cup I got free when I bought some shoes.  I'll use that instead.  Gotta make up for my expensive pink eye trip

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