Saturday, August 10, 2019

Saturday Randomness

I have been rocking the gym this summer. I gone every day unless I have been out of town.  I'm sort of proud of myself. I have mixed it up with This ab machine and the rowing machine...

Here I am waiting for Jack and Nick to get ready for church. Fun Fact, 32 years ago I pierced my ear twice in the left ear.  I still have the piercing.  Melanie got hers pierced the same day and the plan was to buy a pair of diamond earings and share them so we could put a diamond in them.  We never did that, but I sure liked the hoops in the double earing. I don't wear them anymore because I think I look like a harlot (which isn't always a bad thing....:) )  but because some General Authority said not to wear more than one earing.

I just got my hair done in this pic. It kindof looks a bit drab but it was cute before this pic.

I also bought this Cheetah dress.  I think it would be great for Brooke's wedding.  We could all wear our favorite animal print.  I'm sure it won't fit by the time she gets married...who knows when she will but this dress probably will only fit for a few weeks...:)

I went to the doc and she said I need more protein.  She suggested this.  It is from Costco and is like 50.00. I haven't gotten it yet

I had to go to a class for school.  Here I am intently listening to the lecturer.  It actually was pretty good but ...not what I want to do in the summertime

Proud of myself here's my breakfast before the conference.  I actually bought a banana at the convenience store instead of a donut
I went to this fun concert at Daybreak.  They were an 80's band and were terrific. 

I also missed a curb this summer and here's what happened...It kindof hurt..

These are my favorite cookies to make. Pumpkin chocolate chip.  They are not that many calories and use a cake mix.  Yahoo

This is my new shirt and I feel like I look like a picnic table wearing it...Not sure whether to wear or not.  If I feel like  picnic table, I must look like one.

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