Monday, August 15, 2022

First week as a missionary!!!!!

 Been waiting a while to post a missionary letter.  Nick is just finished his first week at the Home MTC.

He is Leaving for Omaha on Wednesday

My first week as a missionary has come and gone!! It's been a grind but I'm finally done with zoom classes. The first couple days were hard but I got into a groove and it made the last few days really spiritual, uplifting and fun!! My favorite part of the lessons is always the beginning when my maverick drink is full. however it usually doesn't stay that way haha. 

Monday: my first day was kinda hard  because it's my p day and was also my first day as a missionary so we didn't really have anything planned. My first meeting was a really cool devotional called "welcome to the work" where they basically just welcomed us to missionary work. After that we had our first 3 hour zoom class. I was able to meet my comp during the meeting and he's a super cool dude which a huge blessing

Tuesday: Tuesday was probably one of the best days this week. The morning lesson was really hard to get through because i was sooo tired and i almost fell asleep during it multiple times. Our district is super awesome and everyone is so funny but the first lesson i think we were all kinda scared to talk. Tuesday night we had a big group devotional and then we were told to hop on a call with our district to discuss it. We were supposed to talk about the devotional for like 45 mins but our district quickly disregarded that option and started talking about Legos. We went over time talking about the most random stuff. This is the meeting where i feel like our district bonded the most. They are some of the funniest people i have ever met but then we also have this ability to turn on the spirit when we need too. 

Wednesday: Was mostly the same with the zoom calls. Two three hours ones. One in the morning one at night. Wednesday was also the day me and elder biesinger were able to teach our first lesson. One of the challenges of teaching over zoom is there isn't really a good way to cut into the lesson without confusing everyone. So it was really hard the first go around. I feel like the lesson went ok but there is definitely room for improvement. They email you back a little score sheet telling u how we did and we didn't get the best scores but I'm determined to do better. 

Thursday: Mostly just the same as the other days. lots of time on zoom with some comp study sprinkled in. Thursday was really the day where i really started to feel the spirit during the lessons. We had a little more free time that day so i took one of the greatest naps of my life. it was like a post church napx10!!
Friday: It was the same as far as the zoom classes go but no devotional. Friday night lesson was awesome though. It was all about how we know the book of Mormon to be true. We even played a Mini court game about the book of Mormon. Fridays lesson just reminded me how much proof there is on this earth that joseph smith was a true prophet of god and that the book of Mormon is true. After class i was able to go to the last little bit of bountiful's football game and say bye to some of my old coaches and friends. While i was at the game a random dude came up to me and said i was "brainwashed by the mormons" so i just smiled and waved. After the game i went to dinner with some friends and it was really fun.

Saturday: A lot of the same stuff happened. One zoom call in the morning one zoom call at night. Saturday nights lesson was especially fun because we practiced teaching the first lesson in preach my gospel. However elder carver and I kind of ignored the instructions and ended up talking about lacrosse and weight lifting for 10 minutes. Then we had to teach the lesson to each other in one minute. Sister davis said my one minute lesson was pretty baller so i'm excited to try and teach it when i have 5 minutes haha. After class some friends took me to in n out for the last time before i leave and i am going to miss it a lot. 

Sunday: Sunday was cool cause I got to go to church for the first time with my tag on. After church I went to my aunt's house and got my haircut and said goodbye to some of my extended family members. It was kinda sad

Well that was my week. I hope all of you had a great week!!!
Remember god loves you and has a plan for you 
-elder clemons

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