Monday, September 12, 2022

Week 4 from Omaha


Week 4 from Omaha, Nebraska

From Nicholas Clemons

What's up yall. Can't believe I've been out for a whole month already!!  We had a super busy week and handed out lots of agency. We are making really good progress out here in Bellevue. We got 3 people on date for Baptism just this week!! We also had a super fun sleep over this week with a bunch of elders for exchanges.

Monday: p day was super fun. We started by getting up and headed straight to the Missouri to go fishing. We didn't catch anything except a pretty sunrise. Sunrises are very different here compared to Utah cause the sun comes over the horizon instead of the mountains. After that we went and played basketball with like all of the missionaries in the Omaha area. My comp is like super good at basketball so my job during pick up is to just rebound and pass back to him haha. Then we got some papa Murphys and went and chilled with our zone and played volleyball. Then p day ended and we decided to go visit our friend Carlos. Carlos is really good friends with like every missionary out here and he always has food for us. He doesn't like that I say my prayers in English haha. Then we d
Helped a guy tear our a bunch of insulation for the rest of the night. 

Tuesday: really funny story that happened on Tuesday. So like when your a missionary in training you get an extra hour of comp study. So during comp study we decided to listen to some talks and my and I have this joke that when you fall asleep during study time your "studying Lehis dream" and I fall asleep almost every personal study cause I'm still getting used to the schedule. Then during the talk he was out cold. Then the talk restarted for some reason and so I just went upstairs and let him sleep because he was looking kinda sick and then I joined the cottonwood elders for their social media training. Then the training ended like an hour later and my comp came upstairs and said "Lehis dream is pretty great". Ever since then I've just made fun of him for it. After that we went all the way to plattesmouth because this member lives there but goes to the Bellview ward for some reason. He's really cool though and he collects board games and so we played a few and invited him to church. I can't wait to go back cause he said he would play me in Pokémon and I've been practicing. (Our mission loves Pokémon BTW). Then we went over to one of our investigators and taught the plan of salvation and talked about baptism and invited her niece to be baptized and she said yes!!! Then like two other companionships came and spent the night at our apartment because we had exchanges the next day. It was super fun cause we just stayed up till midnight talking. 

Wednesday: EXCHANGES this was my first time going on exchanges and I went with our zone leader elder Benji. He's really cool. Another cool thing we did together was drive up street contacting. Where u just drive right up to someone roll down your window and ask to share a message. We caught this one guy right before he was leaving and Gave him our message and he was really interested. He definitely was high when we taught him but I just talked to Benji about it and he said it's going really well with him. It just shows that God is preparing people for me to teach because what are the chances that I catch this random guy walking to his car at that very moment who needed to hear this message. 

Thursday: right after studies we went to cathluco which is just a charity that hands out food for the poor. Its really wasy service. We just pack rice into bags for two hours. They also have a radio there so i get to listen to non gospel music for like two hours which was kinda nice. Then we taught a lesson to Darian over zoom. Darian just had a baby so we talked about eternal families and she loved it. After that we gave her the zoom link to church and she watched it on Sunday. Then we went and taught our friend Wendy again and showed her a baptism video. Then she said she was moving away from her bf and so she could get baptized!! We put her on date and hope that she and her niece can both get baptized on the same day!! Another miracle!! 

Friday: was alot slower than the rest of the week. We called alot of inactive members trying to set up appointments but nobody answered. Then we went and taught brother woods who is really chill. He has cancer so it's hard for him to get to church but he went last week and this week so there's some progress. I love teaching him because he always catches me up on the latest NFL and college football news. Then we went and taught sister Johnson who has the cutest dog and just really talked about her mission. Sister Johnson is like insanely spiritual. She has like rhe coolest book of mormon pics in her house so it was cool to go over. 

Saturday: we had zone conference. It was really cool cause elder Wong of the 70 showed up and he taught us how to work with member. He is not what you would expect from a 70. He makes lots of jokes and even taught how to play spikeball. Never would have though that I would witness a 70 member play spikeball against my mission president haha. After that they inspected our cars and we got oreos because our car was clean. Then we got a referral for a guy named cw. He was raised Baptist and was basically like a modern day Joseph Smith. He told us his number one question in life was which was the true church and after he said that my comp said my eyes lit up and I just started spitting doctrine. We asked him to be baptized and he said he would love too. Another miracle!! It was like the hypest lesson I've ever been apart of ( dont be offended brad). 

Sunday: we went to church and then had ward council after. We were ki da disappointed because Wendy didn't show up but then halfway through ward council we got a text from the curva elders saying that Wendy was in sacrament meeting and we were so happy. The rest of the day we were just trying to find people to speak at why I believe. Which is just a big testimony meeting for recent converts. The ap's told us we had to find some more to speak because everyone had canceled on them and our area has the most baptisms in the last month. We did find somebody and the. We brought Wendy along too. The meeting was super powerful hearing how all these people came over there challenges and found God really just strengthened why I'm out here. Then we headed back down to Bellevue and played Pokémon the rest of rhe night. I know when I say I play Pokémon I sound like a need but it's like super fun and all the elders are into it. I'm getting pretty good at it but elder gines still kills me. 

Well that was my week. Sadly nebraska lost this week and then fired there coach so thats kind of a rap on our season. 

Hope all of you are doing amazing. Remember God loves you. I'd love to hear from some of you. Feel free to email me!! 

Love elder Clemons 

1. Pretty nebraska sunrise 
2. Carlos and the crew 
3. Exchanges 
4. Boba and the boysss 

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