Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Week 6 from Omaha, Nebraska


Week 6 from Omaha

Hey yall. Hope you all had a great week. This week was another great week of spreading the gospel. Had a few crazy moments and I planned out a whole day of missionary work for the first time. Also the huskers aren't doing very good so everyone was in a bad mood this week.

Monday:  p day!! We play a lot of basketball in my apartment because my comp is like insane at it but we played basketball for Lime 5 hours and then we went shopping and then to the stake center where we just hung out with our zone and played this game called gator ball which is like soccer and football combined. It got really competitive and everyone walked away with a few bruises. After that we went and saw this members dad. This guy is super cool cause he makes like custom hot wheels and paints them. He's a super cool dude but sadly he said the gospel wasn't for him so I'm sure he'll make a great investigator one day just not for us I guess. Then we went and visited a member who loves football so we watched some of the Monday night game with them which was nice cause I miss football so much!!

Tuesday: I had my first district council. We went and got subway right before and we all ate lunch together at the church then had the meeting. The district gave us some candy because we lead the district with people on date for Baptism. Then we surprised elder Walton with a birthday party and had brownies and ice cream. Then we headed out to our friends Trevor's house. He has super long hair which reminds me about my old hair haha. He also loves board games but we just told him about conference and how it would bless his life. Then we went and visited the koellhoffers. They are inactive members but they don't come because the husband flies for the airforce and has training every Sunday. The airforce is like a super big thing out here because there's a base. We just showed them a video about faith and invited them to watch conference. Then we did a little bit of street contacting and found this guy names Saul and taught him the restoration. Once I handed him the book of mormon he started crying. The spirit was so strong during the lesson and he agreed to be baptized!! Then we found Jason who lives like two doors down from Saul and he also took the book of mormon and agreed to Co to church!! 

Wednesday: we didn't have much success or how we like to call we handed out a lot of agency. We did get to teach Wendy again. We talked about temples and family history with her. Wendy is one of fav people to teach because she is just so open minded and her testimony is very strong. Then we taught thiara who is Wendy's neighbor she is a little harder to teach because she kinda Bible bashes us a lot but we tried to answer all her questions and I hope she comes around on the book of mormon. Then we had book of mormon study that night and Wendy was the only one who showed up but we still read with her anyway. 

Thursday: we got to start the day with some service. We went over to catholic charities and handed out some food. The people at cathlico love us and always have fun with us as we hand out the food. Then we went over to this other lady's house and pulled weeds. Then I gave her a pamphlet about the restoration and she said she would come to church!! A lot of our lessons fell through so we did a lot of street contacting and got yelled at a lot. Then we finished off the day by visiting ava avas brother Neil loved to cook so he invited us to dinner while we talked to ava.

Friday: we had a lesson bright and early Friday morning. We went and taught our friend Jason. Jason is homeless but still loves God. He told us he wants to get baptized but wants to get his life together first. On our way back from the park we asked a lot of people if we could share a message with them and they all just yelled at us. Apparently catholics don't like to talk to us haha. Then we went down to south Omaha (the hood of Nebraska) and Gave some diapers to our friend Lisa and then shared a message with her. After that we were talking to this homeless guy about the book of mormon and this crazy guy comes walking down the hill and starts yelling at us to leave. It's crazy how fast you can feel the spirit leave your body. My comp and I looked at each other and left really fast. That night we had dinner at Neil's house. We were kinda scared because we had heard horror stories about his cooking but apparently he used to be a chef and made us like a 5 course meal. He made us chicken gizzard and smoke salmon and some really good chicken. We took so much time eating we didn't have time to share a message which kinda sucked. Then we got back to the apartment changed and went and played pickle ball with the other elder in the district. That night we had a sleep over cause we were doing exchanges the next morning. 

Saturday: EXCHANGES. they are always fun cause everyone sleeps over and we all have breakfast together in the morning. I went with elder Hemming. Him and the aps played a prank on me. But then I was told they only mess with you if they like you so guess they like me. We did alot of Invites to church. Elder Hemming is from the Spanish part of the mission so he took me a baptism that was all in Spanish. I tried my best but only understood about 1/4 of what they were saying. I did sing a child's prayer in Spanish though and everyone laughed so I was happy haha. Then we went and played basketball. I was dumb and forgot my shoes but I still wanted to play so I played in my dress shoes. Everyone thought I was crazy but I thought I didn't do half bad for playing in dress shoes. 

Sunday: SABBATH DAYYY.  Sundays are fun because I get to see all the member In one place and they can't no when I'm standing in front of them. We taught Sunday school. Then later we found out our friend d Wendy made it to church and we were so happy. A little later we had this thing at the church called a Linger longer. Which just is come to the church for some food. It was breakfast themed and I ate so muchhh. Then after that we went and I gave my first priesthood blessings. Which was super cool. Then we went and talked to Carlos and he fed us more food like he always does and taught me some more Spanish. 

Well that's all for this week. Feel free to email me. I'd love to hear from some of you. Remember heavenly father has a plan for you. 


Love clemdawg 


P.s. go huskers 

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