Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Conference 2020

Six months ago, President Nelson said that April Conference would be memorable and to start preparing for a very different conference.  He was right.  It occurred in the middle of the Corona Virus pandemic.  There were no audience members and no Choir members.  The only people there was the First Presidentcy and the speakers.  One of them said that there were a total of about 10 people there.  It was very different.  It was also VERY good.  The speakers I also heard had assigned topics which doesn't usually happen. 

We were given a new symbol...

LDS Church introduces new symbol emphasizing the centrality of the ...

and a new Proclamation

Prophet Introduces a New Proclamation to the World: "The ...

I watched every session from start to finish.  Which usually does't happen.  But I think thats why I enjoyed it so much was that was the only thing to do this weekend as we have nothing planned due to the stay at home order for the Corona.  It was such a welcome distraction to my heavy heart. They did mention that we would be back to normal in the future which is something I wondered about.  I can't imagine we would all still quarantine our whole life, but it seems so far away to not have to quarantine.  It was good for my heavy heart to listen.  It was also good to have Abi here listening with me.  That was good for my heart too. 

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