Sunday, April 1, 2018

Conference thoughts 2018

This is a weird post for me....a bit on the spiritual side

Watching conference and had some thoughts.

One of the hymns from Saturday session was 'My Redeemer Lives.'.  It is a hymn President Hinckley wrote.  He wrote the words and his mission companion wrote the music.  Anyway, I LOVE to choose that hymn when I am the hymn chooser for church.  When President Hickley died, the next Sunday we sang that Hymn.  I chose it because I was the Hymn picker and Music Director (doesn't that sound like I know what I was doing) .  During that hymn It occurred to me that it was President Hinckley's testimony of Jesus Christ. My favorite line is

The faith to walk the lonely road
That leads to thine eternity.

LOVE that. So I sent it to someone (my cousin Stephen) saying that it was my favorite hymn and favorite line.  He sent back, 
"great and wise line.  
That road is lonely for everyone"

I forget that  

Then on Sunday, a woman was speaking and I am not very fond of listening to the women usually.  But she said

"Everyone of our paths is different, yet we walk them together."  Reyna I. Alburto   I forget that too. It just seems like I am on the wrong path....but really it is just a different path.

Then someone comments 'on a worldy note, love your skirt'. so I checked it out and it was fabulous.  That is my rule, if I am ever asked to speak at conference you HAVE to look good and wear something fabulous like stunning fabulous.  

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