Friday, November 16, 2018

I did it Part 2

It has been 30 days since I filed for divorce. There has been no response or anything filed from chili willi.  That is good for me.  It means he has past the deadline to do that, and what was asked for in the petition that I filed is accepted.  That is good, but I have a hard time thinking that's it.

When getting divorced, you have to do parenting classes.  There are two.  I have done both of them online.  They cost 35.00 each.  Chili has not done his. I have told him, but he has not filed his certificates with the court.  So it becomes my problem.  I do think the 70.00 might hinder him.  I have only told him once to do it.

I went to the court to file the rest of my paperwork.  I can only file some of it.  I'm stuck until he takes his classes.  My sister (who works at a different court) called the court a few days ago, and they said I can file all the paperwork anytime.  Well, today I can only file some of it.  I gave them as much as I could.  I am going to file a request to waive the classes for Chili.  I also have to file an affidavit (spelling) for his income that I have to get notarized.  I had to attach pay stubs and tax returns for me.  He won't give me any.  That's been one of our problems the entire marriage so its not like he will cooperate and give me all his stuff. 

And, at the courthouse, the sheriffs that scan your purse dumped my purse upside down....all my stuff ended up all over the conveyor belt...I'm getting a new purse after that closes

Here I am, filing the second wave of paperwork...Next time I'm going to look up so not so much double chin...I'm not good at selfies.

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