Sunday, November 4, 2018

Interesting Conversation

My friend, Natalie's husband says all of us from Bountiful are related and we can never move out of Davis county.  I have said that about moving too.  It certainly proved helpful to me.

Last week at Football, a mother who's son has been with Nick for like 6 years came over and we were chatting...she was taking pictures as she walked by.  Anyway, we got chatting and I'm a teacher, and I teach with her visiting teacher, Natalie.  Wow.  Small Bountiful world.

I was at the Primary practice and Natalie texted that she needed to talk to me.  I told her I was at the primary practice and I could call when she was home.  She was just at her primary practice chatting with that same parent.  Well, the parent was telling Natalie what Chili Willi had done to other parents during football.  I guess he was talking a lot at football to the parents about how he graduated from UCLA in finance (or something like that) and he played football for them.  He also worked for Morgan Stanley and was in the Stake Presidency.  He had his own company and made T shirts and passed them out to the parents.  He also played the piano for Mormon Youth Symphony.  He got super good friends with a guy named Ted Peck and his dad.  The two of them I think invested with Chili Willi and Chili took their money and Ran.  Rumor has it that he is on the run.  Well, he certainly isn't here.

She told that to Natalie and just couldn't figure things out.  She said I wasn't around and we were NEVER together.  She didn't even know if I knew these things.  Nope  I had no idea.

People are so very nice.  Not telling her son so he will still be nice to my Nick.  Wow.  Talk about true Christlike love and just human decency.  I have to wonder who else he has bothered or said things and how can I even go out in public not knowing what he has said or done to people.

This venmo comment makes me laugh because he wanted everyone to know on venmo that he got me something for our anniversary.  I never got a gift.

I have looked and there is no shirt in my basement.  I guess he gave them all out to promote business.

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