Monday, November 5, 2018

Some projects

I have been working on some home improvement projects...One is some blinds for the kitchen window.  I was a Lowe's in the summer and they had a clearance and had one set of blinds that would fit  So bought them and they have sat for 5 months.  Finally, I cut them on my miter saw.  Thats pretty good since I don't really know how to use this miter saw.  I had to watch a Youtube video on how to unlock the saw because I couldn't remember from the last time I used it when I cut 5 things for cub scouts. 

Look how good this cut looks.  You can't even tell I cut them.

Well, I cut them so well, they were too short!  However there was a piece of wood screwed in already that looked like the person before me had the same problem with something.  So I just used that to make the blinds work.  They were for the most part easy to install, but took longer than usual.  of course.  But here they are.  They look good until they get dusty. 

I also bought a new vacuum. I have hated all my  vacuums.  I don't think any of them have worked very well, and if they did it was for such a short time.  I got this one from Costco since my niece and my mother both have it and like it.  So far, I like it.

After these projects and others I had to rest with my new bath bombs from Lee's and read my book!

It was pretty good.

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