Monday, October 17, 2022

Week 10 Omaha, NE Mission


What up yall. I can't believe I've been on a mission for 10 weeks already!! This week was full of miracles! We also had exchanges this week which were super fun and of course had to end the week with some bball. center

Monday: PDAY. We went and played lots of basketball and then we went and chilled at the stake center and played some gator ball which is just basically football and soccer combined. After p day we went over to macrys house. Macry doesn't know how to ride a bike and he's leaving on his mission soon so we decided to teach him. After that we went over to Carlos house and read some of the book of mormon. He only likes to read in Spanish so I kinda struggle with it but I'm starting to learn more Spanish. 

Tuesday: we had zone and district councils. My comp is the district leader so I just get to sit there and write all the numbers down. After that one of the youth brought us cookies and we decided to take them to our friend jaylens who's dog just passed away. So it worked out well. The cookies helped us go straight into the plan of salvation. 

 Wednesday: we met with brother burrows and talked about the plan of salvation. At brother burrows every question we answer of his he gives us a piece of chocolate so I love teaching him haha. Later that night we had bom study and it actually went really well! 

 Thursday: we went to catholic charities and handed out some food. Then we went out to sister deans and moved a bunch of garbage out of there back yard. After that we went and taught this family from south Sudan. They are really hard to teach because the mom only speaks noir. Mary understands English but can't speak it so that was a super hard lesson to teach. 

 Friday: we went and taught brother woods. Brother woods finished chemo last week and this week he is cancer free! Later that night something really cool happened. We were knocking random doors and met this family from south Sudan. They are already members they just didn't know where the church was. They also speak noir!! They also speak really good English and said they would help us teach Mary and her kids!! Such a hype miracle!! 

 Saturday: we did exchanges which are always super fun. The night before we all sleep at the same apartment and we may of accidently stayed up a little later than we were supposed too haha. Elder Ryan and me stayed in my zone. We found two new people and taught an inactive member. Later that night we went to bdubs and watched some good football another hype miracle!! After that we went and played basketball to end the week. 

 Sunday: all we really did was go to church and street contact a few people. We did teach Alex and Britney the restoration. Britney was hype because she has the same question that Joseph Smith had. I actually bore my testimony in the lesson and that was the first time I've done that in a lesson so that was cool. 

 That's really all that happened this week. It was kind of a slow week here in Bellevue. Feel free to reach out and email me. Love you lots 



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