Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Week 8! Conference! Go huskers!


What's up yall! Hope you all had an amazing conference weekend. This conference was so good!! This conference was the only time I have ever watched all 5 sessions. Huskers also got a big win this week! Also transfers are this week so p day is on Tuesday instead Monday that's why your getting it today so I hope you didn't cry too much when u didn't get an email from me yesterday haha. Elder gines, greenhaulgh and I are staying Bellevue but sadly elder Madsen is being transfered so that's kinda sad. 

Monday: we had a presidents p day. Which means the president comes and does p day with us and another zone. We went to this super pretty park and played a bunch of games. Sadly my bear lake cornhole skills haven't translated out here and the president and his wife torched elder clines and me 21-5. Apparently it just wasn't my day because elder gines and I went 0-4 in Kan jam. After that we went to our stake center to finish out p day and my phone died so I couldn't write my email or call my family so I just shot hoops for like 2 hours. Maybe with all this basketball practice I'll shoot as good as Robert Thompson some day. After that brother Sanchez took us to dinner at this really good Mexican restaurant. We had a really good talk with about improving the missnary effort in our ward. We both threw out some ideas that I think are gonna help. 

Tuesday: brother grossgebauer took out to lunch at this Korean place. It was really good. He served his mission in Korea so he made us try and use chopsticks. It's a lot harder than I thought so I eventually gave up and used a fork haha. Later we had zone and district council. We had to do part of it on zoom because covid took out like half of our district. District council is always good because our district leader does like trainings with them so he had us all bear our witness of the book of mormon which was super powerful. Later that night we had a lesson with our friends Mike and patty. We taught them the plan of salvation that was the part they liked. The part they didn't like was when we brought up the word of wisdom and they told me I was crazy when I brought up coffee and tea so that was fun. 

Wednesday: our car broke down so we got to use bikes to get to our member lesson. Then the mission office called and said they had another car for us so we went and picked up our replacement car. Then we had a lesson with our friend Roosevelt. Roosevelt only has one tooth so it's kinda hard to understand him sometimes. He told us that Joseph Smith just read the Bible and copied it. After he said that we decided to call the lesson and invited him to conference. After that we invited a bunch of people to book of mormon study. Then a few people showed up and we all read a couple chapters. 

Thursday: we had trainer trainee where all the new missionaries and their trainers go to the presidents and have training meetings and stuff. After that a bunch of us went to Texas road house and it was BOMB. After that we went to these apartments that we have never been to before and got like 5 return appointments. Super hype. 

Friday: weekly planning took forever. we had to go switch cars again because our car got fixed. While we were there the president let take one of the new tacomas for a joy ride and it was dope. After that we just had a bunch of street contacting and lots of lessons fell through. We did invite every person we saw on the street to watch conference which was kinda fun to explain. It to them. 

Saturday: conference was so hype. I crushed two monsters before the first session just too make sure I stayed awake. We went to canes for lunch which was bussin. All the speakers did a great job. After the second session we went and talked to our friend Destin about conference. After that we watched the last session at these super cool apartments and after the speakers. The member invited us to watch the rest of the husker game with him which was so cool. I miss watching football so much. It was nice to see a little and the huskers won! 

Sunday: after the first session of conference we went and saw some inactive members. Then we went back to the church to watch the final session. The final session was straight spiritual heat. We did push ups during every song so we got a nice pump in while feeling the spirit. 

Hope you all had a great week. My week was pretty good and conference was so much better. My favorite talk was renlunds.

Fell free to reach out and email me. I would love to hear from some of yall 

Love elder clemdawg 

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