Sunday, March 1, 2020

A Repaired Tendon

I have had this ankle hurting for a long time.  Since Summer probably.  I did go to an outdoor concert and fell off this curb and might have caused the forward to February 28, 2020.  I went to the Doc to find out why it was hurting, expecting to wear a boot or get an injection or just a prescription for rest and physical therapy.  Nope.  I got a surgery date. 

Here's my last day of Yoga for a while...for at least a month...Look at that nice Yoga Mat I got for Christmas.  I LOVE it. I will miss it

Michelle slept over at Marlena's house on Feb 27 so we could make the call time of 6:15 AM.  She said that way if she slept in, it would only be 10 minutes late instead of 25 minutes if she was at her house.  So, we checked in on time and waiting for go time which was 7:30.  

Peronial Tendons repair.   Somehow the tendon was tearing on the inside and was thickening.  One of the tendons was much worse than the Doc thought from the MRI and so he had to sew them together.  You can see that thickened part above.  I was in the operating room 45 minutes longer because the repair took longer than expected.  

I was fitted with this lovely boot.  On the right foot is some sleeve that pulsates like blood pressure cuffs that help with blood clotting.  Jack thought it was cool to try that on.  

EKG electrodes...I had to have an EKG before surgery due to my Atrial Fib. If I were over 60 its mandatory.  I told the guy I found these elctrodes months after on my skin.  He said he never left them on...well, here they are  :)  

A better shot of my cuff for blood clotting prevention.  There are my crutches I borrowed from Gma. I did get new Rubber parts at the Walgreens for 16.00.  That beats a new set of crutches that I don't want after for sure.

Jack has been very helpful.  Here he is bringing me the ice packs. 

Here's my nice drink from Mark yesterday.  Mark also came over and brought us some Papa Murphy Pizza for dinner some night.  AND took Nick and got Lunch at Betos.  

Here was my dinner, Cauliflower bites.  They are good but didn't get cooked enough.  Bummer because they are usually really good.

And finally, here's my foot with the sock on it. Nick did that.  I didn't think for one second he would put a sock on my foot.  Everyone has been soo nice and helpful.  :)

1 comment:

  1. These pictures are literally the best part of my whole day!!!!
