Friday, March 20, 2020

Earthquake 5.7

March 18, 2020, I was suppose to be going to work.  I got up late...I cannot get to work before 8:00 so I was feeling a bit sluggish.  However at 7:08 am I awoke to my room shaking.  I immediately knew it was an Earthquake.  I sat up, and panicked.  I turned on the TV and channel 5 was dark.  I could hear the anchors saying 'we are having an earthquake...but couldn't see anything.  I called Michelle.  It was crazy.  I was pun intended..  Jack comes upstairs and tells me his friend told him we had an Earthquake...I was in panic mode.  It only lasted probably 10 seconds but it make me very nervous.  What do I do?  Well, I certainly wasn't going into work and leaving my kids.  My mom called and she was very upset.  I told her we could come over.

We packed up, and went and got gas.  I had been feeling like I need to keep my cars filled with gas.  I topped it off.  The gas station wasn't crowded so we went home and got our other car and filled that one.  It was only about half.  We got to my mothers house and watched TV all day.  We had a few aftershocks.  One registered 4.7 and I thought was almost as strong as the first one.  It is hard to explain the stress and nervousness it created.

I didn't go to work because everyone was a bit unsettled for a while.  Eventually everyone that did go to work, was sent home because they needed to check the building due to the earthquake.  The same thing for the day after.  We had to stay home due to building checks.

Lots of people checked up on Marlena.  Nick said he was in a group chat from the ward and they checked up on him and us in the group chat.   My friend Kenzie checked up on me. She is my ministering sister and my friend too.  I checked in on my friend Janel who lives down the street and said her house was fine so I thought mine was too.  She kept me calm amongst the shaking.  All is well as far as I know. 

We decided to get some dinner out.  We can only get take out so we went to three places.  Nick and Jack got Panda, I got Kneaders salads, and Marlena got Arctic Circle.  Marlena said it was helpful to drive around and see that all was ok in Bountiful.  We also slept over with Marlena.

It is all very unsettling for me...Corona and Earthquake.

So the white antlers were sitting on the fireplace  and fell off during the Earthquake

That ledge had 4 other pictures that fell off during the quake.  They would have hit me but I sat up in total disbelief.  

I noticed this ..This picture was also sitting on a ledge.  It did fall and break the frame.  I'm totally fine with that much damage.  

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